October 18th, 2008 by bruno boutot



Art & Puzzle / Solution: Haldimand Tract

October 18th, 2008 by bruno boutot

Near the railways, in St-Henri, Montreal, June 08.

A few days later, after heavy rains, the work had vanished. I finally found a mass of paper among the weeds: I suppose it had been unglued by the rain then rolled around by the wind. I took it and unfold it, it was a little torn but not too much. An artist friend loved it at first sight and is keeping it safe on her bedroom wall. If the author recognizes it, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I can identify maps of Israel (twice), ???, Alberta, maybe California plus something else North (Cascadia?). The urban grids in the background spell “THEFT”, so this is political art and should help identify the missing countries.

Thanks to troy and teg from MetaFilter, we have now the complete riddle:

Israel, Israel, South Africa, Alberta, Haldimand Tract.

Since the Haldimand Tract is in Ontario, Canada, and since the Haldimand Proclamation was made in Québec in 1784, we can surmise that the topic of the poster is the Grand River land dispute.

art maps 1

Au bord de la voie ferrée, à St-Henri, Montréal, en juin 08.

Quelques jours plus tard, après des pluies abondantes, l’oeuvre avait disparu. En m’approchant, j’ai fini par trouver dans l’herbe une boule de papier, sans doute décollée par la pluie et enroulée par le vent. Je l’ai récupérée, un peu abimée, et l’ai prêtée à une amie artiste qui l’avait adoré sur le champ. Si l’auteur reconnaît son oeuvre, n’hésitez pas à me contacter.

On reconnaît les cartes d’Israel (2 fois), ???, Alberta, Californie + ??? et les lettres “THEFT” dessinées par des cartes urbaines.

Mise à jour:
Merci à troy et teg de Metafilter pour avoir trouvé les pays manquant. On a donc:

Israël, Israël, Afrique du Sud, Alberta, Haldimand Tract.

Puisque le Haldimand Tract est en Ontario, Canada, et puisque la Déclaration de Haldimand a été faite à Québec en 1784, on peut supposer que le sujet de l’affiche est le conflit territorial de Caledonia (plus d’info en angalis à Grand River land dispute).

How to draw anything (in 1 step)

August 22nd, 2008 by bruno boutot

From the famous author of How to get a free ipod!


You may be asking, “How could you possibly learn how to draw anything and everything in just one step? Are you a moron?” And if you are, there is no need for childish name-calling. Let’s be civilized adults here.

Follow along as I teach you how to draw everything, in this tutorial.

How to collect stars

August 17th, 2008 by bruno boutot

Warren Ellis:

I collect stars, but I keep them in the sky because I just don’t have the space at home.


July 28th, 2008 by bruno boutot

Roberta Smith,

It does gives me pause that 26 of the 36 artists have master’s degrees in fine arts from respected universities or art schools. I think most of them should ask for their money back. On the evidence here, at least, they have only a meager understanding of what being an artist entails.

“How Soon Is Now?” suggests that there is no point in spending time on “professional development” or learning how to advance one’s work in the marketplace if artistic development is not well under way. That requires lots of long, hard looking at all kinds of art, in all mediums, from all periods and cultures. Aspiring artists need to expose themselves to the sheer intensity and variety of art, to learn what they love, what they hate and if they are actually artists at all. New York’s galleries and especially its great museums offer ample opportunity for this kind of self-education, which leads to self-knowledge. Anything is possible when artists set to work knowing they have something they urgently need to say, in a way it hasn’t quite been said before.

jaune et bleu

June 18th, 2008 by bruno boutot

Festival M & M

m&m yellow and blue

Surprises, surprises

June 3rd, 2008 by bruno boutot

I guess that I will stop soon to post only images but this is another of these days; I just took these pics during a walk (obviously the bottom two are by other artists). Click on a picture to see the large size on flickr.

J’imagine que je vais cesser bientôt de poster juste des images, mais voilà encore une série de photos que je viens de prendre dans les ruelles (les deux derniers pochoirs sont manifestement l’oeuvre d’artistes différents). Cliquer sur une photo pour la voir en plus grand sur flickr.

unexpected and hilarious 1


notes 1


Freakangels, Warren Ellis – Paul Duffield

June 1st, 2008 by bruno boutot

Un message de Warren Ellis: / A message from Warren Ellis:

And you can all do me a favour today, if you feel so moved, by posting a link to on your blog or website, just to remind people we’re still here and still pumping out free comics episodes once a week.


visite à l’île

May 24th, 2008 by bruno boutot

Bonjour tout le monde.La maison dans l’île

le nid de Simone

Photos copyright François Courville 2007

La maison d’Andrée Lauzon et François Courville à l’Île d’Orléans (près de Québec) a fait l’objet d’un reportage encore diffusé sur Télé-Québec.


May 11th, 2008 by bruno boutot

Another experiment with MOR images.
Un autre essai avec des images de MOR.