Favela Chic: Introduction & Illustration
April 18th, 2010 by bruno boutotOn m’a demandé ce que je pensais du sujet d’une photo et j’ai répondu: “Favela Chic”.
Qu’est-ce que le Favela Chic? #
I was asked what I thought of the subject of a picture and I answered: “Favela Chic”.
What is Favela Chic? #
Bruce Sterling’s Scenarios for the Future: Favela Chic and Gothic Hi-Tech: #
At the end of the day, Sterling suggests keeping things that are beautiful, things that have emotional value for you, and things that are just plain useful. #
Au bout du compte, Sterling suggère de ne garder parmi nos possessions que celles qui sont belles, celles auxquelles on est profondément attaché, et celles qui sont simplement utiles. #
Vous vous souvenez de l’histoire de ce merveilleux poster que j’avais racontée ici? Je disais que je l’avais confié “à une amie artiste qui l’avait adoré sur le champ”. #
Do you remember the story of this wonderful pasteup that I had told here? I wrote that I had given it for safe keeping to “an artist friend who loved it at first sight”. #
Art & Puzzle – 2008
Aujourd’hui, j’ai reçu cette photo: #
Today, I received this picture: #
Dans de beaux draps – Favela Chic – 2010
Original video of the presentation by Bruce Sterling at reboot 11.Transcription: Bruce Sterling: Gothic Chic in the Future Favela. # #
April 18th, 2010 at 10:09 am
Favela Chic: Introduction & Illustration: http://bit.ly/d4CWnV
This comment was originally posted on Twitter